To sleep, perchance to dream

 A nightmare gripped me last night, somehow I have torn my bed covers and the sheet is tangled out of place, literally drenched in sweat.

There were creatures, more fish than man, blazing yellow eyes, bulbous and baleful.  Transparent needles for teeth and unnaturally wide mouths, drooling greenish saliva.  They hopped, frog like, sudden and terrifying, their eyes split apart, pointing wildly around with a feverish aspect, hunting for prey.

Draped across them, dragging behind were rotting fronds of some vegetable matter not unlike sargassaum, the stench filled my unconscious mind, making me reel with something akin to sea-sickness.

In the darkness their mottled skin worked as excellent camouflage, they expertly stuck to the shadows as they inevitably made their way across the quad towards my dormitory - their razor sharp claws glinting in the moonlight.

Up the main staircase, dripping and drooling on the already spoiled carpets and straight to my door - clawing and bubbling angrily from their sub-aquatic gills.

God only knows how, but the door held - when I awoke, in a panic I spent a while just curled up like a fetus in the ruined bed, breathless - listening in abject terror expecting knife-like claws at any moment - the dream has been so vivid.

When I gathered my courage and checked the door it was covered in sticky groolish discharge and marked by many bite and claw marks - I shan't be able to cover this up.

It was real.  What can these creatures want from me?

In the miserable light of this, I have decided to expedite my move of residence to Arlington - I shall charter a flight from Arkham Aerodrome as soon as is humanly possible - I have to face the reality that there is actual horror lurking in the shadows.

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To sleep, perchance to dream

 A nightmare gripped me last night, somehow I have torn my bed covers and the sheet is tangled out of place, literally drenched in sweat. Th...