
I'm on the verge of collapse through lack of sleep, so these words may not tally with sense, but please God - curse the idiocy of the jealous.

After a terribly long night (neither you or I need the dreary details), I crawl back here only to find a fearful mess in the dormitory halls around my room.

This "prank" (as I can only assume it to be) was to deposit several heaps of sea kelp, in an advanced state of decay all around the path I normally take upstairs, and if that wasn't bad enough, it was spread about in a peculiar fashion, as if kicked around with some venomous vigour (obviously just to make the job of tidying it up all the more tiresome) who would be so gratuitous?

Although the unhappy and onerous task of cleaning up is now largely complete, I must make further comment, if only thanks to the strangely horrid and foetid stench - it was almost impossible to bear (not to mention the blackened stains on the carpets from the effluent that oozed from this flaccid and slimy matter) and despite several good sessions with a nail brush and disinfectant, it has proven quite impossible to remove all traces of the reek from either the carpets or my fingers, thus the smell is destined to remain in my nostrils despite the removal of the bulk of the source material to the communal trash, outside the apartment block.

I shall have to bury my hands away from my face in order to sleep well tonight, or dreams of rotten things from the depths are more likely than the ever-distant "sweet dreams" of fairy tale.

Quite how these disgruntled individuals discovered my news, or why they would visit upon me such a peculiar torture if not, I simply cannot fathom. I have kept everything perfectly quiet from those I believe may wish to undermine me, but none-the-less these closet pranksters have fallen upon me with their usual venom and in a typically pathetic fashion. Thank goodness the door to my apartment held, despite the obvious signs that some measure of force was applied thereupon. Perhaps they were disturbed before they could spread the muck anywhere more damaging, and embarrassed by their actions, fled.

I can't help but cling to the hope (in revenge) that the stink of the crime will taint the guilty, as it has my innocent self, but at least I know that things could have been worse, and come the next few days, all this petty nonsense should be far behind me.

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